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Illdisposed by Lars V. Andersen

Booking | Johannes Laudenbach | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | +49(0)93135822473


Seit Anfang der 90er Jahre gehören sie zu den Top-Bands der nordischen Death Metal-Szene. Satte 16 Studioalben dürfen sie mit ihrem aktuellen Album "In Chambers Of Sonic Disgust" verzeichnen, das im Juni 2024 erschien.
Mit groovigen Rhythmen, melodischen, aber dennoch harten Riffs und einem einzigartigen Gesang haben Illdisposed in all den Jahren ihre eigene Form des Death Metal kreiert!

They are one of the top bands in the Nordic death metal scene since the early 90s. With their latest album "In Chambers Of Sonic Disgust", which was released in June 2024, they have recorded a proud 16 studio albums! With groovy rhythms, melodic yet heavy riffs and unique vocals, they´ve created their own form of death metal over the years!

“The Danish heavyweights ILLDISPOSED are among the veterans when it comes to death metal from the north. ”

“IN CHAMBERS OF SONIC DISGUST places itself in melodic death metal without the term "melodic death metal" really fitting.”

“Illdisposed are strong when they do what they are good at, namely playing uncompromising, groovy neckbreakers.”

ORIGIN: Denmark
STYLE: Death Metal
RELEASE: In Chambers of Sonic Disgust
LABEL: Massacre Records